Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Diary Free Vegan Diet

Becoming a vegan means giving up milk and dairy products such as butter and cheese. This a major change for people who are used to a European diet that historically has always used dairy produce.

But in many cultures dairy produce is not eaten at all or only rarely. A vegan diet is common in some non-Western societies. It is therefore entirely possible to eat a balanced vegan diet that does not include dairy produce.

The emphasis on dairy produce in the Western diet has produced an enormous industry to stock our supermarket shelves. The nature of this industry is perhaps one of the best reasons for becoming a vegan and cutting milk and dairy produce out of your diet.

What was once a treat for high days and holidays has become a daily staple. There are powerful commercial interests involved in encouraging us to eat more dairy produce. That change in our diet has had serious effects on health. The same changes can be seen in other cultures that are in the process of changing to a Western diet.

Dairy Products Cause Weight Loss

The US Department of Agriculture and dairy industry advertising campaigns will stop claiming that dairy products cause weight loss because such claims are not supported by existing scientific research. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) filed a charge with the Federal Trade Commission that the dairy industry has used false and misleading advertising in its multimillion-dollar, celebrity-filled marketing campaign suggesting that consuming milk, cheese and other dairy products causes weight loss. The milk industry’s campaign was based on small studies conducted by a professor of nutrition whose funding came from dairy industry sources.

Independent research, including a recent study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, has found that dairy product consumption either has little or no effect on weight loss or actually increases body weight. A recent study described in the International Journal of Cancer found a disturbing link between dairy product consumption and increased prostate cancer risk, something previously identified in two Harvard studies.

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine’s general counsel said “This case calls into question other advertising claims made by the industry, especially the notion that milk builds strong bones. Evidence shows it does nothing of the kind.”

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

If you are on a low-fat diet and you do not know what to eat in order to keep your cholesterol levels down, you can try following the guidelines listed in this article. Remember that in order to keep down your cholesterol levels, you have to eat as less saturated foods as possible. Limiting the dietary cholesterol is also a very good idea.

Dairy foods

Remember to always buy non fat or at least low fat yogurt. Just like many other dairy foods, yogurt is an excellent source of protein and calcium, but it is very important to keep an eye on the saturated fat intake. Also, as a topping or in recipes always use low fat or non fat yogurt alone. Try topping with fruit.

Instead of using full sour cream, go for the low fat or nonfat versions. The same idea goes for cheese blends as well. And most of the times you do not even lose the taste since many taste as rich as the real thing but they simply are healthier since they contain less fat and calories.

Fats and oils

Replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats can help you keep your blood cholesterol low, and this way live a healthier life. Just make sure that you limit the total amount of fats or oils to keep calories in check. When buying any kind of fats and oils, just remember to follow the guidelines above:

Instead of using oils that are high in saturated fats, choose liquid vegetable oils since these are high in unsaturated fats. Oils that are high in unsaturated fats include soybean, sesame, safflower, peanut, corn, canola and sunflower oil.

Always buy margarine that has unsaturated liquid vegetable oil listed as the first ingredient. Choose liquid or soft tub margarine, or even better – vegetable oil spreads.

Limit any solid shortening such as butter, fatback and lard since these products are very high in cholesterol and saturated fats

Instead of buying the regular kind of mayonnaise and salad dressing, always go for the light or nonfat version since these have a smaller amount of saturated fat and cholesterol. Remember that two tablespoons of regular Italian dressing can add as many as 14 grams of fat.

Best Nutrition Out of Your Vegetarian Diet

Many vegetarian eating plans exist. Some of the plans exclude red meat, chicken and fish. Other vegetarian diets also exclude eggs and milk products. Most vegetarian diets, however, feature the food items listed below.

According to the Vegetarian Diet Pyramid, foods such as whole grains, legumes/beans, as well as fruits and vegetables must be eaten at every meal. Some form of plant oils, egg whites, soy, dairy, nuts, and seeds must be eaten at least once a day. Lastly, eggs and sweets are required weekly to ensure that the vegetarian's diet is well-rounded and nutritious.

Vegetarians fall into the categories listed below:

  • Vegans eat only plant-based foods. They don't eat foods from animals, including meat, poultry, fish, milk, eggs and cheese.
  • Lacto-vegetarians consume milk and milk products along with plant-based foods. They omit eggs as well as meat, fish and poultry.
  • Lacto-ovo vegetarians eat eggs, milk and milk products, such as cheese and yogurt, in addition to plant-based foods. They omit red meat, fish and poultry.
  • Flexitarians (semivegetarians) primarily follow a plant-based diet but occasionally eat small amounts of meat, poultry or fish.

So choose your route and simply follow the guidlines above to be on your way to enjoying a better and more satisfying life that you deserve!

Classes Of Food Nutrients For The Muscle Sculpter

In the high school we are all taught of the essential food nutrients that will help us grow healthy and fit. Among these nutrients are Carbohydrate, protein, fats and oils, minerals, vitamins and water. Yeah you may say you have heard that a hundred and one times. While we all need the above food nutrients for healthy development, the people who perform regular body work outs such as the athlete, the muscle builder, or the weight lifter need an abundance of one of the above food nutrients.

First Category: Vitamin A

The main source of Vitamin A is from vegetables and poultry products. Eggs, milk, cheese, cucumber, green beans, garbage all produce Vitamin A in good quantity. This Vitamin helps vision and the replacement and growth of body cells and hair.

Second Category: Vitamin C

Vitamin C can also be got from the Diary products and its main function is strenghtening the body's defence system and the building and replacement of teeth and bones tissues.

Third Category: Vitamin D

Absorption is the main function of Vitamin D. It comes from poultry products also like Vitamin A. For the body to fully absorb all the nutrients that is supplied to it, Vitamin D helps to fully accomodate them before they will be functional.

Fourth Category: Vitamin E

The development of Red Blood cell which helps in repairing other body parts such as the muscle tissues, skin and hair is completely aided by Vitamin E. A lack of Vitamin E cause serious deficiency in this area. The supply of Vitamin E is from food products like Liver, egg yolk and vegetables. Vitamin E also augments fertilization in humans.

Fifth Category: Vitamin K

The main function of this Vitamin is its ability to help the injured athlete (or anybody) to stop excessive bleeding when an injury is sustained, a phenomenon known as Blood clotting. It is obtained from Dairy products.

Even more Secrets of Grill and Poultry Seasonings

The moment you decide to cook some poultry meat, in case you are not a very experienced cook, do not worry first of all. Just ask a neighbor, buy a cookery book or search the internet for recipes and how to instructions or advice and I am sure that you will be able to prepare the best poultry dishes with the adequate poultry seasoning. Besides, you will be able to make your family or friends with wonderfully prepared poultry, seasoned with the tastiest poultry seasoning. For those who need some poultry seasoning recipes I can say that in order to make some of the greatest poultry seasoning you just need some common ingredients and a little time. Fortunately, poultry, especially chicken takes just a little time to cook. The same is true about preparing the adequate poultry seasoning you will need for the best of results.
For the beginning, it is recommended that you cook this meal outside as it usually makes a lot of mess but the outcome of this cooking endeavor is worth it. After you have decided what size of turkey you want, choose a pot and preferably buy peanut oil to deep fry it. Also decide on the deep fried turkey seasoning blend that you want to use. In case you are not familiar with the blends found in superstores then buy bulk seasoning spices and herbs that you know you like and go with cooking turkey meat. In case peanut oil makes your choice of dish rather expensive, then you can also go for regular cooking oil.
For many years, we have been providing free resourceful information about Seasonings and other food related products and services to our visitors. We are committed to continuing providing these articles and other information about Seasonings to our visitors and customers. You can read more here :-

More Secrets of Grill and Poultry Seasonings

In case you are interested in making your own grill seasoning, then you should know that it is so easy to prepare it yourself. All you need is to mix pepper, salt, onion and garlic powder, coriander and red pepper flakes. Recipes are all over the internet nowadays so it will be much cheaper for you to google search than to buy recipe books. The recipe mentioned above is very simple and it very much resembles what you usually add to a nicely home made steak. Usually when making a steak at home, you want it to have the best of flavors. And of course you tend to add garlic and onion at least beside the salt and the pepper.
Other plants/herbs that go with the rabbit, and are part of the rabbit seasoning are parsley, sage, basil, fennel, bay leaves, mustard, spinach, onion, garlic, celery, carrots, tomatoes, all salad leaves, capsicum, cos and radicchio; olives, capers and anchovies could also be part of rabbit seasoning. If you consider that a suitable drink enhances the flavor of a food and enriches it, then you should also consider both red and white wine as ingredients for rabbit seasoning. Besides the wine's effect on the flavor of the rabbit, you should keep in mind that it also tenderizes the meat.

Secrets of Grill and Poultry Seasonings

Whether you are a connoisseur of gourmet meats or just an ordinary person who likes his food to taste really good and to whom eating must always be a delight of senses - of all senses - you will always appreciate a tender loin chop or a steak, poultry or fish. The truth , unfortunately, is that the best and tastiest meat is the meat that has the most fat as the flavour, most of it, comes from the fat, actually. A healthy alternative is represented by rabbit meat, which is an extremely lean, low fat, white meat; rabbit meat is ideal for those watching their cholesterol intake. The flesh is tender, finely grained, and of a bright pearly pink colour.

What is a hamburger made with and from? A high-quality hamburger should be made entirely of ground beef and seasonings. A hamburger that contains no major ingredients besides beef may be referred to as an "all beef hamburger" or "all beef patties" to distinguish them from inexpensive hamburgers made with added flour, texturized vegetable protein or other fillers to decrease their cost. Some cooks prepare the patties for hamburgers with binders, such as eggs or bread crumbs, and seasonings, such as, parsley, onions, soy sauce, Thousand Island dressing, onion soup mix, or Worcestershire sauce.

About pixie

Pixie Consulting Solutions Ltd, formerly known as Pixie Publication India (P) Ltd., was established in the year 1999 with the aim to provide the industry with an informative, reliable, trustworthy and effective media that could be a good source of information and technology. Over the years it has attained new heights of success that can be easily identified by its soaring popularity and multiplying subscriber base.
The ball was set in motion with the publication of ‘Poultry Planner’ in August 1999. The aim was to function as a common platform for exchange of knowledge and ideas in relevant areas for the welfare of poultry industry.
In 1999, Pixie also established its in-house publication division that produces books authored by renowned scientists of this field.
In 2001, Pixie took over ‘Poultry Times of India’ – the most reputed and internationally acclaimed Indian Poultry Journal.
In its endeavour to provide better service to the industry, it created an exclusive ‘Event Management Cell’ in 2003 with the aim to cater to the growing needs of the huge multi-dimensioned livestock and poultry industry in India. Since then the Event Management Cell has been organizing local and international exhibitions successfully with high applause of the industry and other organizations. Event Management Cell successfully organized first Poultry Technical Seminar in December 2003 at Karnal and second Poultry Technical Seminar in February 2004 at Panchkula.
In August 2004, it introduced Dairy Planner, a dairy magazine which is highlighting the importance of dairy sector and committed to dairy development in India. It is a bi-monthly, bi-lingual, technical and news journal for the livestock and dairy industry. It can boast of a wide circulation and has received the tremendous response from the industry right from its inception.
In 2004 Pixie Publication was appointed the Indian agents for VIV Asia 2005 –the biggest livestock show in south-east Asia. It was also appointed the Indian agent for AGRENA 2005.
In 2004 Pixie Publication was appointed the Indian agents for VIV Asia 2005 –the biggest livestock show in south-east Asia. It was also appointed the Indian agent for AGRENA 2005.
In August 2006, Pixie Publication India Pvt. Ltd. Along successfully organized the first edition of ILDEX India 2006 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi in an association with N. C. C. Exhibition organizer Co. Ltd. (NEO), Thailand.